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Physical Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

This article explains all common physical symptoms of high blood pressure including heart palpitations, headache, fatigue, sweating, dizziness, blurred vision, etc.

Read also Pheochromocytoma: Symptoms of Adrenal Gland Tumor / Cancer, a type of tumor that often causes high blood pressure.

Blood pressure is the thrust of the blood in the body pushing up against the inside walls of the arteries as the heart is pumping. Blood pressure may range widely from 90 to 240 mmHg for systolic pressure and 40 to 160 mmHg for diastolic pressure depending on your activities during the day. The lowest blood pressures often occur while you are sleeping or when resting your whole muscles. While standing for periods of time, performing any form of exercise, or if you're experiencing any anxiety (learn more about anxiety in this article: Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder) and problems, or nerviness will heighten your blood pressure.

Ideally, your blood pressure should be around 120/80 or lower when your body is rested. If your blood pressure level is at 120/80 or 139/89, you are considered to be at a pre-hypertension level. If your blood pressure is steady and stays high at 140/90 or higher, this may indicate a disorder called hypertension or high blood pressure. This high blood pressure occurs because the arteriole arteries narrow; making it difficult for blood to pass through them thus forces the heart to pump harder to get the blood through and elevates blood pressure.

High blood pressure symptoms, how long does it last? The duration and intensity of high blood pressure symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. In many cases, it produces virtually no symptoms. Often people who don't have high blood pressure can experience these same physical symptoms of high blood pressure.


Headaches are very common hypertension symptoms. It is often recurring and feels like a pounding or pulsing in the head. You may also feel dizzy or confuse. When blood pressure rises, it affects the head, causing vision distortion and nosebleeds. If you experience any of these hypertension symptoms, you will need to see a medical professional as soon as possible.


Having nosebleeds for unknown reason may signal your blood pressure has been elevated due to one thing or another. Nosebleeds that occur with any regularity and are difficult to stop indicate that it is time to get the blood pressure checked.

Blurred Vision

Changes in vision, for instance, blurred vision can also be one of the physical symptoms of high blood pressure.


Dizziness is one of the most common complaints from patients of high blood pressure. There could be many reasons why a person may become dizzy from inner ear infection, low blood pressure to high blood pressure. So it would be wise, if experiencing dizziness, to see a health-care provider.


High blood pressure is one of the causes of heart palpitations symptoms in individuals with undiagnosed hypertension. The heart palpitation may feel as if the heart has stopped or is pounding out of control. Recurring heart palpitations occurring along with chest pain and/or fatigue and sweating is an indication of a serious heart problem, which may have been caused by undiagnosed hypertension, and should be treated by medical professionals immediately.

There are many different types of heart palpitations. Lots of times the pounding heart beat causes are nervousness and fear but this is not always the case so it's best to consult with your doctor if you experience it.


Ringing or buzzing noise in the ear, which is also known as tinnitus, is seen as one of the physical symptoms of high blood pressure. Although rare, it has occurred in a number of individuals diagnosed with the condition. As the sound becomes louder, it becomes a greater indication that something is physically wrong with the body. A loud, persistent ringing in the ears should be checked out by a doctor and will typically remain unresolved until the underlying condition is treated.

Malignant hypertension

There are symptoms for malignant hypertension, a very serious matter, that are such overwhelming manifestations that they mock the symptoms of a stroke. Of course, if you experience anything like this, extreme dizziness and blurred vision with severe headache, slurred speech, it's time to seek immediate medical attention.

However, if you are to experience any of the other physical symptoms of high blood pressure listed above in a milder form, it may just be a signal that it's time to get checked out.

Heart palpitation and high blood pressure

Heart palpitations are essentially a conscious awareness of a series of brief irregular heartbeats. They can manifest as a pounding or racing heart beat as well as an abnormally rapid heart beat within your chest. The heart palpitation may also feel like your heart is skipping a beat.

Nearly everyone experiences an occasional awareness of their heart beating due to things like overexertion, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, stress or even medications. It is usually harmless, but when it occurs frequently, it can indicate a serious health problem.

Heart palpitations are one of the physical symptoms of high blood pressure. When heart palpitations are due to high blood pressure, their occurrence may be a cause for alarm. When your blood pressure is elevated, it causes unneeded pressure on the heart making it to beat irregularly. It may feels like the heart is pumping way too hard sometimes for no reason. With this irregular rhythm, especially for prolonged periods of time, blood flow may be reduced to the brain and other organs as well as the heart, leading to heart failure, tissue damage or stroke.

If you put up with hypertension, it can be treated. Modest cases of Hypertension can usually be treated through lifestyle changes such as the diet, or increasing the workout levels. Some find dropping weight is all that is needed to lower their high blood pressure.

Severe cases of Hypertension will need prescription medications such as diuretics and beta blockers. Diuretics aid the body in getting rid of any excess fluids and salt. But, from individual experience, keep course of the body's potassium levels also. Beta blockers will lower the heart rate and the heart's output of blood. These then lower the risk of developing heart and brain problems.

High blood pressure is nothing to fool around with, so it would be smart to rule it out altogether at the first sign you may encounter some of the physical symptoms of high blood pressure. As with anything medical, early detection is the way to go.

Disclaimer: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.